our identity

We are a community who experienced the life-transforming power of God, and focusing to impact the lives of our neighbors, city, nation, and beyond. We believe that by sharing the life-changing message of the good news of Jesus Christ and helping people through the power of the Holy Spirit, we may also effect positive change on others for the glory of God.


our mission

As we love God wholeheartedly, we are passionate in training and equipping disciples who train and equip other disciples to reach various communities. We endeavour to engage, enhance, enable and empower our brothers and sisters to exalt our Lord Jesus Christ.


our vision

We are encouraged to be a family of believers living for God, maturing in Him, growing in love for one another, discovering and using our ministry gifts, supporting and working for the cause of God. We uphold God’s leading in bringing people to Christ and into membership of His local body.



We believe in only one, living God, united in the Godhead of three persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as verbally inspired by God, inerrant in nature and the supreme authority of faith and life. We believe that man was created in innocence by their Maker, but ultimately fell from God’s glory due to voluntary transgression, and that through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, has redeemed mankind by grace as the full atonement of their sins. We believe that only by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ our salvation is realized and that we live according to His example as new creations.